вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

The Bank of Russia informs on the recognition failed and cancellation of the state registration of the shares Lesbanka

Department of External and Public Relations of the Bank of Russia reported that the Moscow GTU Bank of Russia on the basis of paragraph 5.19 Instruction of the Bank of Russia of 10.03.2006 № 128-I "On the rules of registration and registration of securities by credit institutions in the Russian Federation" recognized invalid and annulled the state registration thirteenth additional issue of ordinary shares of joint stock commercial banks of the forest industry (Public Company).

Individual state registration number - 10101598V013D.Registriruyuschy body - the Moscow GTU Bank of Russia.
Date of cancellation of state registration - October 11, 2012.
To the consideration of additional securities failed - non-deployment of any security additional issue.
In connection with the cancellation of the thirteenth additional issue of ordinary shares of joint stock commercial banks of the forest industry (OJSC) prohibits transactions with these securities, the exercise of their advertising, public announcement of their purchase price, and (or) supply.

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