вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

Media learned of the plans for the big banks mortgage securitization

Several major Russian banks are planning to mortgage securitizations, it became known "RBC daily». About the upcoming release of mortgages told top managers of banks. In particular, VTB 24 plans in the end - the beginning of next year to securitize a portfolio that is bought from the bank "KIT Finance". As the vice-president of VTB 24 George Ter-Aristokesyants, in 2013, the bank plans to spend up to three securitization transactions, including one with Vnesheconombank. Transaction volumes have not been determined.

Until the end of the year to securitize a portfolio of 4 billion and the bank intends to "Renaissance". Latest deal for the same amount the credit organization held in December last year.

The bank plans to "Opening" securitize a portfolio of 5 billion rubles by the end of this year, said deputy treasurer FK "Opening" Alexander Dolzhich.
Market participants believe that in addition to large government agencies (AHML VEB) mortgage securities may be of interest to foreign investors. According to Ter-Aristokesyants after the 2008 crisis, banks are being actively securitizations, because it was very difficult to find a serious market investors who would be willing to acquire mortgage portfolios. "Foreign investors have tempered their appetite for risk and do not rush to the Russian market mortgage-backed bonds," - he said. However, according to the banker, we can say that the market is alive and in the coming year, such investors will start to emerge.

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