вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

Fed provokes distortions in the financial markets and the economy

The plans of the U.S. central bank regularly relegated to the market for mortgage securities amounts to $ 40 billion per month, the obligation to keep the low short-term rates at 0-0.25% until mid-2015, the sale of short-term government bonds in the markets for a period of 5 years and repayment of long-term, with maturity of 30 years.

Running the program of quantitative easing QE3 and other measures to stimulate the economy by the Federal Reserve said in his column published in the club experts Bankir.Ru, expert Latvian bank Rietumu Igor Zuev. "The plans and actions the Fed's monetary policy cause serious distortions in the financial markets and the economy. They contradict the idea that asset prices reflect the state of the economy in a particular period of time. As an example, a violation of the historical correlation between stocks and bonds, the spread of WTI-Brent, and the price difference between gold and platinum (gold more expensive than platinum now about $ 100), "- said Igor Zuev. The expert also called the victim making the Fed U.S. dollar, which has fallen markedly against the euro - around 1,30 EUR / USD. 

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