вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

Media learned of the plans for the big banks mortgage securitization

Several major Russian banks are planning to mortgage securitizations, it became known "RBC daily». About the upcoming release of mortgages told top managers of banks. In particular, VTB 24 plans in the end - the beginning of next year to securitize a portfolio that is bought from the bank "KIT Finance". As the vice-president of VTB 24 George Ter-Aristokesyants, in 2013, the bank plans to spend up to three securitization transactions, including one with Vnesheconombank. Transaction volumes have not been determined.

Until the end of the year to securitize a portfolio of 4 billion and the bank intends to "Renaissance". Latest deal for the same amount the credit organization held in December last year.

The bank plans to "Opening" securitize a portfolio of 5 billion rubles by the end of this year, said deputy treasurer FK "Opening" Alexander Dolzhich.
Market participants believe that in addition to large government agencies (AHML VEB) mortgage securities may be of interest to foreign investors. According to Ter-Aristokesyants after the 2008 crisis, banks are being actively securitizations, because it was very difficult to find a serious market investors who would be willing to acquire mortgage portfolios. "Foreign investors have tempered their appetite for risk and do not rush to the Russian market mortgage-backed bonds," - he said. However, according to the banker, we can say that the market is alive and in the coming year, such investors will start to emerge.

RusRating assigned the bank, "Come!" Rating «BBB +» on a national scale

RusRating agency assigned the bank, "Come!" Credit rating to «BBB +» on the national scale and «BB» - International. The outlook for both ratings - "stable."

The factors justifying the rating, the credit institution is the support of the Reference Banks "Life" - Probusinessbank - and work in a group, a good potential for development and positive financial results.

Constraining factors identified concentration of business in one segment of the market, the high level of credit risk inherent in the retail market, the dependence of opportunities to refinance the obligations of the financial stability of the group.

OJSC "Bank" Come on! "- Dynamically developing bank with a wide network of offices in the Russian regions, specializing in providing services to individuals. Included in the financial group "Life". The main business focus is lending. Currently, 19.99% of the shares through National Savings Bank controls Probusinessbank, 19.51% belongs to Anna Filipowicz, 14.57% - Inna Ryabova by 14.34% of the shares owned by Marina Bugakova, Anna and Natalia Stolchneva Stolpovskih occupying the presidency Board of "Come on!".

According Banki.ru, on September 1, 2012 the net assets of the bank - 17.12 billion rubles (178-th in Russia), capital (calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of Russia) - 1.78 billion, loan portfolio - 13 24 billion, obligations to the population - 6.82 billion

The Bank of Russia informs on the recognition failed and cancellation of the state registration of the shares Lesbanka

Department of External and Public Relations of the Bank of Russia reported that the Moscow GTU Bank of Russia on the basis of paragraph 5.19 Instruction of the Bank of Russia of 10.03.2006 № 128-I "On the rules of registration and registration of securities by credit institutions in the Russian Federation" recognized invalid and annulled the state registration thirteenth additional issue of ordinary shares of joint stock commercial banks of the forest industry (Public Company).

Individual state registration number - 10101598V013D.Registriruyuschy body - the Moscow GTU Bank of Russia.
Date of cancellation of state registration - October 11, 2012.
To the consideration of additional securities failed - non-deployment of any security additional issue.
In connection with the cancellation of the thirteenth additional issue of ordinary shares of joint stock commercial banks of the forest industry (OJSC) prohibits transactions with these securities, the exercise of their advertising, public announcement of their purchase price, and (or) supply.

Banks require advanced VPM solution, based on the data warehouse

The important role played by the BPM system (Business Performance Management) to control the efficiency of the banking business, in an interview Bankir.Ru said Deputy Director of Development for Intersoft Lab Julia Amiridi. She noted that the demand caused by VPM-instrument performance of his daily work in a bank, a real business from its use, the ability to use it to solve important problems facing specific lending institution.
"For credit institutions, designed to increase their business and trying to optimal control of profitability, VPM requires advanced solutions, based on the data warehouse. Alternatives that do not exist. Today, the use of options to control the HD yield essentially banking is becoming the unofficial standard, "- said the representative of Intersoft Lab.

Fed provokes distortions in the financial markets and the economy

The plans of the U.S. central bank regularly relegated to the market for mortgage securities amounts to $ 40 billion per month, the obligation to keep the low short-term rates at 0-0.25% until mid-2015, the sale of short-term government bonds in the markets for a period of 5 years and repayment of long-term, with maturity of 30 years.

Running the program of quantitative easing QE3 and other measures to stimulate the economy by the Federal Reserve said in his column published in the club experts Bankir.Ru, expert Latvian bank Rietumu Igor Zuev. "The plans and actions the Fed's monetary policy cause serious distortions in the financial markets and the economy. They contradict the idea that asset prices reflect the state of the economy in a particular period of time. As an example, a violation of the historical correlation between stocks and bonds, the spread of WTI-Brent, and the price difference between gold and platinum (gold more expensive than platinum now about $ 100), "- said Igor Zuev. The expert also called the victim making the Fed U.S. dollar, which has fallen markedly against the euro - around 1,30 EUR / USD.